Top 5 Tips to Make Friends with Your Neighbours

Top 5 Tips to Make Friends with Your Neighbours

Friday 17th February is Random Acts of Kindness Day, and we often hear of how neighbours at our developments do kind things for each other.

Whilst relationships with our neighbours have changed over the decades, we still find that homeowners across the country try to evoke a community spirit, either by inviting a new neighbour around for a cup of tea or organising street parties for national events such as King Charles III’s forthcoming coronation.

So, if you’re wanting to get to know people who live near you, and you wonder ‘How can I be a good neighbour?’ here are five ways to get started and build a good relationship.


Be Mindful

Depending on whether you live in a detached, semi-detached or apartment, there are things you can do that show consideration.

  • If you’re in a street setting, don’t block driveways or parking spaces with either your cars or those of your visitors.
  • Let them know if you are having any work done that may cause them noise or disruption.
  • If they prefer to keep themselves private, don’t push for them to join in or socialise, simply respect their wishes


Don't be a noisy nancy

  • Keep music, TVs and household noise to sensible levels, especially when you know people may be trying to sleep. Be especially considerate of those that work different hours to your household.
  • Try to ensure your dog doesn’t bark incessantly and that house alarm systems aren’t faulty.
  • Enjoy the summer outdoors but make sure any parties or loud gatherings are wrapped up by a sensible hour. If it’s a particular large occasion, you may want to give your neighbours advanced warning, or even invite them.
  • Read your surroundings and adapt your behaviour accordingly. Noise levels in a family environment are completely different to noise levels in a student home and area.


Keep your kerb appeal high

There is nothing more annoying than caring for your home and your neighbours not. It doesn’t have to be landscaped gardens or artistic features, simply cutting the grass, sweeping the paths and making sure the building is in a state of good repair will ensure relationships with your neighbours are not challenged for this reason.

By looking after your home and your surroundings, you’ll never be the neighbour who affects house prices in your street. Make sure toys, wheelie bins and recycling boxes are put away to the rear of the property and not kept in the front garden or where they can be seen from the street.


Be supportive

WeIcome new neighbours to your street with a card and a bunch of flowers. It’s a small gesture that will be much appreciated and make them feel more settled in their home within the first few days.

Similarly, if you know that your neighbour perhaps has a new baby, perhaps you could drop in a card and some homemade cookies or a cake. If you know that they have young children, perhaps a thoughtful but inexpensive gift at Christmas would be hugely appreciated. If you know that they may need a lift somewhere, offer to help if you can. These little acts of kindness can build mutual respect, so that you know someone is close by should you require their help in an emergency situation.


Neighbours Everybody needs good neighbours

Unless you develop a genuine friendship with your neighbour – and we know many that have – it’s important to keep the right balance. Be friendly without being overbearing. Be chatty, without becoming the neighbourhood gossip. Don’t overshare, and above all be kind, always.



