Take Care Of Your Home As Winter Approaches

Take Care Of Your Home As Winter Approaches

It’s important to look after your home inside and out especially as the darker nights and colder weather approaches, we have put together a few simple tips to give your home some TLC, from energy saving hints to welcoming wildlife to your winter garden.

Cut your heating bills

Inside your home it’s important to think about how you can cut down on heating bills and ensure you don’t waste energy. A simple way is by making sure internal doors are kept closed, to stop heat escaping around the house and keeping each room warm and cosy. 

Make sure you turn your appliances off when they’re not in use rather than leaving them on standby, to help cut energy consumption. Another simple idea is to switch all your lights to LED bulbs, which are greener and brighter than normal bulbs. Simple steps like only filling the kettle with the amount of water you need and turning your taps off once you’ve finished – are both really easy habits to adopt and can make a difference to your bills. For more energy saving tips to cut costs this winter visit http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/home-energy-efficiency/energy-saving-quick-wins.

Create space indoors

We spend more time indoors when the weather is colder, so make sure your house is ready by giving it a good declutter. Nothing feels better than a clean out and it can be a great way to relieve stress. Before you start, grab three boxes, one for things you want to keep, one for things to throw away and one for storage. Get the children involved to give their bedrooms a tidy and invest in some attractive storage boxes, so things you can’t bear to part with still have a place. With less clutter and more space, spending rainy days inside will be more appealing.

If you’d like to find out more about getting your interior ready for autumn, take a look at one of our earlier blogs at http://www.millerhomes.co.uk/Blog/2016/10/17/10/51/Our-Tips-For-Getting-Your-Home-Autumn-Ready.aspx.

Welcome winter wildlife

It is just as important to ensure the outside of your home is ready for winter as it is the inside. You may not be able to enjoy sunny days in the garden but you can still make it a lovely place to attract wildlife. There are lots of ways to feed our feathered friends from bird tables to hanging feeders, find out more by visiting the RSPB website http://www.rspb.org.uk/. Don’t forget hedgehog homes also make a welcome addition to any garden.

A green garden

Get the whole family involved in sorting, cleaning and recycling used glass, plastic and paper. Install a compost bin - or even a wormery - to get rid of kitchen scraps and produce a fertiliser for your garden. For more green gardening tips visit http://thegreengarden.co.uk/.

Pack up summer

It’s time to put away your outdoor furniture but if you don’t have a shed or garage, you can buy a cover for your tables and chairs to keep them protected. It’s a good idea to give them a clean first to keep them looking their best and once you have packed them away, give your patio a clean too. Taking the time to do this now will mean next summer you will be more than ready for dining alfresco.

We would love to hear more about how you look after your home and get it ready for winter. Get in touch with us via Instagram (@millerhomesuk) and Twitter (@millerhomesuk).
